Public meeting for The Gathering in Kilbehenny + pic – 261


Public meeting for The Gathering in Kilbehenny + pic – 261

Kilbehenny will host The Gathering during this year’s Potato Festival from August 13-19 and Moss Fitzgerald explained that The Gathering is about inviting people with a connection or link to Ireland to come and visit during the year of The Gathering.

Thursday, 31 January 2013
8:00 AM GMT

A public meeting will take place in the Community Centre in Kilbehenny on Wednesday, February 6 at 7.30pm to get people's ideas about The Gathering in Kilbehenny. 

Kilbehenny will host The Gathering during this year's Potato Festival from August 13-19 and Moss Fitzgerald explained that The Gathering is about inviting people with a connection or link to Ireland to come and visit during the year of The Gathering, when there will be a variety of events on around the country throughout the calendar year.

"The Ballyhoura area was chosen to represent Ireland as an Outdoor Destination by Tourism Ireland at the International Tourism Fair in Switzerland last October and Kilbehenny Potato Festival was selected as one of the festivals to visit in 2013 by Tourism Ireland in marketing The Gathering to overseas visitors.

"Preparations for The Gathering will require a concerted effort from a lot of people and volunteers and representatives from all organisations are asked to attend the meeting on Feburary 6. All that's needed is an idea and the people to make it happen. For more information contact 025-85721 or 087-8214991," Moss Fitzgerald told The Avondhu.

Last year, the old graveyard was surveyed by volunteers from Kilbehenny and the surrounding parishes, who under the guidance of Eachtra plus support from Amanda Slattery of Ballyhoura Devolopment, were trained to transcribe, record and picture each headstone.

The transcriptions plus GPS photograph are online now at, while information on The Gathering and the Kilbehenny Potato Festival can be found on and their own website

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