Delays to driving tests around the country will mean thousands of provisional licensed drivers will be forced to renew insurance policies for up to €600 more than a fully licensed driver, and that, based on the waiting times, they may have to repeat this for a second year if an innovative solution isn’t found. 

“EDT Driving Instructors should be given teacher-certify style powers to enable drivers demonstrate their proficiency on the road and receive a full licence,” according to The online brokers suggest that it could be trialled on the 24,000 plus drivers on the Essential Driver Training (EDT) wait list, which is growing by the week.

Testing was suspended entirely on March 13 and resumed on July 20 but the number of tests taken had reduced from anything up to a third. This left a timeframe of about 30 weeks to clear the backlog alone. 

However, the insurance experts say that because tests have now been limited to essential workers only for the next 6 weeks, the backlog is going to get significantly worse, and the wait time could potentially hit 12 months by early next year.