Planning enforcement looking at mast erected in Rathcormac


Planning enforcement looking at mast erected in Rathcormac

Cork County Council’s planning enforcement section is looking into the erection of a telephone mast in a housing estate in Rathcormac.

Sunday, 20 October 2013
3:00 PM GMT

Cork County Council's planning enforcement section is looking into the erection of a telephone mast in Rathcormac recently, the Fermoy electoral area committee of the county council was told last week.

Cllr Frank O'Flynn raised the matter contending that the company didn't have planning permission to erect the mast in a housing estate in the village.

Senior area engineer Brendan O'Gorman told members the company, working on behalf of Vodafone, had planned to erect four masts but only one was put up. The county council's housing estates engineer, John Aherne was notified and the matter has now been referred to their planning enforcement section.

Cllr Frank O'Flynn felt strongly about the issue and said that, but for a local community activist, it would not have come to their attention. He proposed they write to Vodafone complaining in the strongest possible terms. The engineer advised against that course of action, saying it was best left to planning enforcement to investigate.

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