Patients still have time to seek redress from defective hip manufacturer
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One of Ireland’s most eminent litigation lawyers recently held an enlightening and informative advisory seminar in Cork where he addressed some of the thousands of Irish patients affected by the De Puy Hip Recall of 2010.
Peter McDonnell, Principal Partner in Peter McDonnell & Associates, presented the assembled audience with an arsenal of free, medico-legal advice relating to the commencement of litigation against the global hip manufacturer and, crucially, reminded those affected that they still have time to take action against the medical devices giant.
Mr McDonnell strongly recommended that affected patients contact The Thornton Group in Dublin - the firm of Liability Adjusters dealing with the debacle on behalf of De Puy Orthopaedics - in order to claim expenses pertaining to travel, blood testing, loss of earnings, and other involuntary costs that they may have incurred since receiving the faulty, implanted device.
Regarding costs, he explained that there is no requirement for any client to outlay costly fees in order to proceed with an action. In the event of a settlement being reached, costs – which may be reduced, upon dispute, by the Taxing Master – will be awarded to the solicitor at that stage.
Further information from Peter McDonnell & Associates on 01-6694696 or email
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