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Budgets are always a bone of contention and seldom is reaching an acceptable balance easy. The members of Fermoy Town Council are certainly finding it hard to pass this year's budget with another meeting this week failing to breach the impasse.
The vigour with which the battle is being fought shows just how important the pay parking issue is being taken and the number of 'free weeks' that are being sought. What is clear is that the free off-street parking towards the year end proved hugely popular and many would say, made the difference for a number of businesses to weather the storm in these trying times.
The knowledge garnered from having to keep a business afloat is key when it comes to acknowledging just how vital the 'free' parking issue is, and those who are not in this precarious position, can well be excused for not full appreciating the value of it all.
Any move that helps to keep another shop or business open in Fermoy is to be welcomed. What is important now is that the councillors and the County Council find a compromise acceptable to both sides.
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