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eircom is calling on eligible communities across The Avondhu circulation area - throughout North East Cork and stretching from South Tipperary and South Limerick to West Waterford - to be empowered and “FibrePower” their community by entering a new nationwide competition to identify the next 'Fibre to the Home' rural trial community. The move follows on from the first successful trial site in Belcarra, Co. Mayo, which has seen both businesses and residents of this rural community enjoy the economic, educational and social benefits of having access to broadband speeds of up to 1Gb/s.
Communities are asked to present a compelling case as to why their locality should win and become the next eircom Wholesale 'Fibre to the Home' trial location. The competition is open to communities with no access to high speed broadband and are awaiting the deployment of the National Broadband plan.
Commenting on the competition, Carolan Lennon, Managing Director of eircom Wholesale, said they wanted to ensure that deploying a high speed broadband network delivers real benefits to communities.
“In Belcarra, we saw first-hand how a community can benefit from this type of infrastructure. We believe this competition will highlight the huge demand for high speed broadband and demonstrate that an investment of this size can and will transform lives and businesses in rural communities.”
Supporting the competition and acting as judges are the Small Firms Association (SFA), online digital publication Silicon Republic and the Irish Farming Association (IFA). They all welcome the initiative saying the benefits can transform a community and also businesses in rural Ireland that currently have no access to high speed broadband. Entrants are reminded that eircom will build a high speed Fibre to the Home (FTTH) broadband network for the winning community at no cost to the community.
Communities wishing to get involved should first visit and confirm that their area is eligible to apply. They should then visit for both an application form and details on the competition, which closes on Tuesday, 15th September.
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