New website will use cutting-edge technology to help match jobseekers and employers
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A state-of-the-art jobs website will help match jobseekers and employers, the Tánaiste and Minister for Social Protection, Joan Burton TD, has said.
The Tánaiste announced last Friday, 18 September that the contract for the development and operation of the new website has been awarded to BDO Ireland in partnership with an Irish tech start-up - The Hire Lab based in Carrigaline, Co. Cork.
The contract which is valued at some €4.5m will lead to the creation of up to 25 high skilled jobs in The Hire Lab and will deliver a free, cutting-edge recruitment and employment website for use by jobseekers and employers throughout Ireland.
The announcement was made in the President's Council Room at University College Cork, in the presence of UCC Vice President, Caroline Fennell.
The existing website, first developed in the late 1990s, is the largest such website in use in Ireland with almost 100,000 jobs advertised in 2014. Its replacement will improve services for jobseekers and employers alike in several important ways, including:
· Enabling jobseekers to submit CVs and apply for jobs on-line.
· Enabling both employers and jobseekers to search for each other using competencies and skillsets.
· Operating in the background to automatically match candidate CVs to job specifications posted by employers, and notifying candidates and the employer when such a match is found.
· Integrating with the Department of Social Protection’s Intreo service in support of programmes such as Community Employment and Tús.
The Tánaiste said: “Today is about unlocking potential - about transforming into a cutting-edge service that will benefit both jobseekers and employers alike as we speed up progress in tackling unemployment. It’s about unlocking the potential of every person on the Live Register to return to work and build a better financial future for themselves, and their families, over time. The Government is driving a jobs-led recovery that is now adding 1,300 jobs a week, and unemployment has fallen by a third since its crisis peak. But we’ve more to do. And BDO Ireland and The Hire Lab will help us do that through this very important contract.”
Commenting on the project, Derry Gray from BDO Ireland stated his delight that the innovative approach proposed by the collaboration of BDO and The Hire Lab, was selected as the preferred bidder. “The strategic alliance of BDO and The Hire Lab, is a collaboration of two indigenous Irish businesses, who will provide the Department with a 21st Century solution to their jobs and recruitment platform. Being awarded this contract is a positive endorsement of Irish innovation in this exciting area. Our team looks forward to delivering on our promise to provide the Department with a solution that not only satisfies but exceeds its technology and business needs.”
Maurice Buckley, CEO of The Hire Lab commented, "We are delighted to be working with the Department of Social Protection on such a strategic project and we look forward to deploying our innovative technology solutions in support of the departments' jobs matching and vacancy service. Securing a project like this, allows us to create 25 highly skilled positions doubling our workforce in Cork over the next few years."
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