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New staff room for Castlelyons National School

It has been a while in coming, but the staff at Castlelyons National School have finally got their own dedicated staff room – yet another improvement to an already progressive school.

Monday, 22 December 2014
12:22 PM GMT

In the absence of a designated staff room, teachers at Castlelyons National School have improvised for years. Not a massively unreasonable request, other infrastructural work always took priority and the issue was long fingered. The good news for principal, Nelius de Roiste and his team is that their long awaited staff room has materialised and it was officially opened on Thursday, December 11th by former teachers, Marie Crowley and Margaret Cashman.

As with all projects, many hands were required to bring it to fruition and at last week's ceremony, Mr. de Roiste acknowledged the role of his fellow teachers, parents' association, board of management, department of education, John Morrison (engineer), builder Dermot O'Brien, school secretary Carmel Ryan, caretaker John McCarthy and the building's hardworking cleaning staff.


The two retired teachers in attendance, Marie and Margaret, oversaw the tape cutting and both agreed that the much talked about staff room was a necessary facility for any school. In addition to the fully equipped staff room, extra office space has been created which is already proving very useful.

The work has been completed to a very high standard and according to Mr. de Roiste, in Dermot O'Brien, they had a man who could be relied upon completely. The facility was blessed by Fr. Gerard Coleman.

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