New portal will help businesses further embrace digitalisation

Minister of State for Trade Promotion, Digital and Company Regulation, Dara Calleary TD at the launch of 'Grow Digital'

A new website that allows businesses to assess their digital capability and then advise on the supports available to improve their offering through digital technologies, was launched last week by Minister of State for Trade Promotion, Digital and Company Regulation, Dara Calleary TD.

‘Grow Digital’ provides bespoke advice and recommendations and highlights supports available from Government through agencies such as the Local Enterprise Offices, Enterprise Ireland, Údarás na Gaeltachta and IDA Ireland, alongside additional training and funding options.

“I am delighted to announce the launch of Grow Digital, a digital toolkit for all businesses, to help them to embrace the opportunities that digital technologies and tools can offer,” Minister Calleary said at the launch. “This is a free service that has been funded under the Digital Transition Fund.”

“Grow Digital can help businesses at any stage of their digital journey, but especially for those who are just starting out. They can use the tool to assess where they are now, what they can do moving forward, and where they can go to get help.  An essential feature of the portal is the Grow Digital Scorecard which provides bespoke advice alongside information on potential supports and funding options.

“It is a priority for Government to drive a step change in digital adoption in all enterprises. The launch of Grow Digital is a key deliverable under Harnessing Digital, our National Digital Strategy, and will help us to achieve our targets of 90% of SMEs having at least basic digital intensity, and at least 75% take-up of AI, Cloud, and Data Analytics by 2030.”

Visit Grow Digital at