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Two new classrooms completed at Scoil Mhuire in Ballyhooly will be occupied by pupils this week.
The classrooms have been built as part of the prefab replacement programme. Ballyhooly is one of a number of north Cork schools who have benefitted from the scheme.
Minister Sean Sherlock welcomed the news and, prior to their official opening, said: “I have no doubt that this is a celebratory day for Deirdre, her staff and the pupils at Ballyhooly NS. I am delighted to have worked with the school throughout the process and it is great to see this investment come to fruition.”
The new classrooms at Ballyhooly are the latest in a number of official openings which are taking place in schools throughout north Cork. Overall seven schools in the Mitchelstown and Fermoy areas have received investment through the Prefab Replacement Programme.
“On a local level I have announced prefab replacements for Bishop O’Brien NS Bartlemy, Grange, St Joseph’s, Presentation Secondary School Mitchelstown and Ballygiblin. I participated in the official opening at Mitchelstown CBS in recent weeks also. I was delighted to secure taxpayers’ funding for these projects,” the Minister said.
“The use of rented prefabs in schools is a tradition which we inherited from previous governments and this scheme reflects the current governments’ education infrastructure plan. The scheme will result in savings of approximately €5 million per annum on the rental of prefabs in these schools in coming years,” Minister Sherlock outlined.
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