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News of an allocation of funding was welcomed this week by Joe Tobin of Fermoy Neighbourhood Watch, who said the money will be used to supply more personal alarms to those who need them locally. He’s also asking anyone that may have an alarm that is not being used to return it to the group as they can be reused.
“In the current climate Neighbourhood Watch is very important in our local area. We all play a part in keeping our community safe. We should be the eyes of the local Gardai for whom local information is a valuable resource,” he said.
The group is looking for new members. Anyone who’d like to join can contact Joe on 087 3234436 or follow the group’s Facebook page where updates are regularly posted.
Joe complimented Christy Roche for getting a Community Alert group up and running in Grange recently. “With Garda resources stretched these days, Community Alert groups in rural areas are really needed,” he said.
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