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Music world honours Seán Donnellan

C103 DJ Seán Donnellan was honoured on Monday night with a Music Industry Companion Award for the twenty-five years of support he has given to Irish recording artists.

Thursday, 25 September 2014
8:20 AM GMT

C103 DJ Seán Donnellan was honoured on Monday night with a Music Industry Companion Award for the twenty-five years of support he has given to Irish recording artists. The concert and dance event was held at the Rochestown Park Hotel.

Promoters Noel Magnier and Steven Travers organised the award after finding that even in conversations with artists from abroad, the name of the radio legend was never far from performers’ lips.

“Seán Donnellan has come up constantly as someone people in the music industry admire so much,” said Steve Travers formerly of the Miami Showband. “He came up to the extent that we thought we might do something to honour him for his twenty-five years on the air,.”

The line-up of artists who appeared to celebrate Sean is a testament to his long and successful career. From local act Gina and the Champions to The Kaye Twins Powerhouse Brass, Michael English, Des Lee, Kathy Durkin, Seán O’Dowd, and Pat Hayes, the crowd was treated to an array of country music stars.

Sean Donnellan is originally from Roscommon, and some of his family came down to his adopted home of Cork for the event. Some of the proceeds from the evening will benefit Sean’s chosen charity, Fermoy Community Hospital.

Video tributes to the DJ also poured in from around the world, including messages from some of Ireland’s biggest country music stars. Nathan Carter, Lisa McHugh, Robert Mizzell and Derek Ryan all sent in congratulations from abroad, with the latter’s coming all of the way from Australia.

“It was a complete surprise,” Sean said. “I didn’t believe I deserved anything like what showed up. They did a massive job.” He was delighted with the inscribed crystal presented to him on the evening and with the presence of so many of the bands he enjoyed from over the years.

He says the passion of his listeners and the ability to highlight local talent keeps him going, as well as his love of music.

“It’s the interest people have in radio. Anybody can play the Elvis Presleys, the big names of country music, but it’s to give an opportunity to local acts, and artists from other parts of Ireland.” On behalf of his many listeners, we wish hin continued succes!

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