It’s ready to rumble for the off on the Tuesday/Thursday walk/run at 7pm from Mitchelstown. Mitchelstown Healthy Town will host Operation Transformation in inviting walk/run participants to join with the walking/athletic clubs starting on Tuesday, January 10th from Mitchelstown Leisure centre over 8 weeks duration.
Entry affiliation forms are available at MLC currently, Mitchelstown Special friends will be the beneficiary of the €10 subscription per participant. Official registration takes place at 6-7pm on January 10th before warming up and heading out on well lit safe streets at 7pm. It culminates in the ‘Couch to 5km’ event in March.
Mitchelstown Leisure Centre includes an offering of three free gym sessions weekly for 8 weeks on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at specific times to complement the energy of the volunteer professionals. Bring a hi viz jacket, comfort clothing and liquids.
Why give this group exercise a go? Excuses don’t wash when it comes to improving people’s health. Health is your wealth. Tape the soaps, football and anything else. Contact Mitchelstown Healthy Town on 087-9320062 for further details.
On Wednesdays, why not join Mitchelstown seniors over 60’s in measured tone up classes being held in Tesco training room, Mitchelstown from 7-8 pm. Your health is your wealth.
Just ring 087-3589734 to check out what it entails. It caters for all levels of fitness/unfitness. Comfy air-conditioned environment provided.