Meet the Medieval at Blackwater Castle History and Archaeology School


Meet the Medieval at Blackwater Castle History and Archaeology School

Owner of Blackwater Castle, Patrick Nordstrom, is looking forward to opening up the doors of the castle to those passionate about medieval history and archaeology.

Wednesday, 2 October 2013
7:05 PM GMT

Blackwater Castle, Castletownroche will host a Heritage Field School on 15 and 16 October within the walls of the ancient fortress of Dun Cruadha and 12th Century Anglo Norman Roche Castle. An exciting programme of events has been prepared involving lectures in the morning, field trips in the afternoon aboard the Castle School Bus, with dining and general merriment in the castle in the evenings. Speakers will include Dr Paul MacCotter (medieval historian and genealogist), Eamonn Cotter (archaeologist), and Patrick Nordstrom (owner of Blackwater Castle).

The course presents a ‘Medieval Ireland’ theme on day one of the school while day two will cover ‘Ireland: Queen Elizabeth I to the Great Famine’. The emphasis of the course will be on bringing history and archaeology to life in a genuine medieval castle where attendees are actively encouraged to participate and will be entertained and enlightened by the experience.

This participation will continue in more convivial surroundings during the evening banquet in the dining hall and nautical bar of Blackwater Castle when the themes explored during the day can be discussed in more detail with the lecturers and castle owners.

The course culminates in a medieval style banquet in the castle dining hall where guests will have some fun with an inauguration ceremony involving early medieval pagan rituals, a hazel rod, and eulogies extolling the virtues of the new chieftain of the castle (to be appointed on the night). Attendees are invited to dress in medieval attire if they wish to add some further authenticity to the proceedings and general merriment.

The owner of Blackwater Castle, Patrick Nordstrom, is looking forward to opening up the doors of the castle to those passionate about medieval history and archaeology.

“Usually the castle is made available to groups on an exclusive basis for private parties, weddings, and family gatherings so this is an opportunity for those interested in Ireland’s heritage to experience Blackwater Castle over a period of either a day or two and, as one of Ireland’s oldest habitable structures, this will be all the more thrilling for historians!”

See for further details and reservation information or contact Sheila on 087-9710854.

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