The media were excluded from a meeting held by the Fermoy Municipal District Committee at The Enterprise Centre in Charleville on Tuesday last while the controversial Village Enhancement Project and pedestrian crossing in Castletownroche was disscussed.
Although the Castletownroche project was listed on the agenda for the public meeting which was scheduled to start at 2.30pm, councillors and Cork County Council staff members convened at an earlier time to discuss the matter in private.
When they emerged, no reference was made to items 3 and 4 (Castletownroche – 2017 Village Enhancement Project and Clar 2016 – Castletownroche pedestrian crossing) listed on the agenda for the public meeting and members proceeded to discuss the taking-in-charge query regarding Kingston Close, Mitchelstown, the Conna storm sewer, the Fermoy MD public lighting programme and notices of motion.
However, The Avondhu understands that the pedestrian crossing for the village will proceed as planned, while the Village Enhancement Project may be scaled back somewhat from the original proposal.
The plaza project had been granted full planning permission and had received village and urban renewal funding to the tune of €31,250.
Castletownroche business group objected to the proposed arrangements which had received planning permission.
They claimed the implementation of the plan would have a detrimental impact on business and expressed the view that the plan, if implemented, would lead to safety concerns among parents and staff at the nearby school.
The group formally lodged an objection with the county council and demanded that comprehensive consultation takes place before plans are finalised.