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Magical Christmas at Santa’s Secret Wonderland in Ballyduff

Hundreds of young children were treated to a fantastic Christmas occasion at the annual Santa’s Secret Wonderland in Ballyduff.

Sunday, 7 December 2014
8:00 AM GMT

Hundreds of young children were treated to a fantastic Christmas occasion at the annual Santa’s Secret Wonderland last weekend in Mocollop, Ballyduff.

Owing to a huge voluntary effort by members of the community council and local people, they pulled out all the stops out to ensure the children had an experience to remember.

Children and parents travelled to the secret wonderland via a magic sleigh, and were kept entertained on the journey by some very merry, musical elves. The wonderland, which weaves through Mocollop Wood’s and over streams, was lit up by thousands of Christmas lights to give a real festive feel. After making a wish in the stream, children were ready to meet some of Santa’s young elves, who sang songs, quizzed them on their wishes for Christmas, and told them of the hardships of non-unionised labour.

After this they were ready to meet Mrs Claus, who found time in her busy schedule to show the children around her cabin, and get them to help decorate her tree and get carrots ready for the reindeer. Then it was on to the main event, when each child got to meet with Santa himself. Each child received a toy-packed goodie bag and were then free to explore the various craft stalls and pet the indigenous Nordic animals on display. One further sleigh ride back down the woods capped off a magical occasion for all present. Looking forward to next year already!

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