With five of the ten buildings in Fermoy’s Loreto school campus deemed to be protected structures, the refurbishment project has been described as ‘enormous and complicated’.
The wheels are now well in motion for the renovation and restoration of the convent, with Healy Partners Architects, a Limerick based architectural practice, appointed as the design team for the refurbishment and extension at Loreto.
A project manager was appointed last year, and necessary tendering processes for a design team have since taken place during the Covid-19 pandemic facilitated by Zoom meetings.
Principal of Loreto Secondary School Fermoy, Orla Forde, said: “many Zoom meetings kept it on track. In particular we are delighted with the vision Healy Partners have for the project.
“It will take our school through the 21st century, continuing the proud tradition of the Loreto Order, their commitment to quality education and the values of Mary Ward, the founder.”
Full story in this week’s Print & Digital Edition