How would you fancy freewheeling down Patrick’s Hill in Cork (or say Richmond Hill in Fermoy) and praying that your brakes are going to work.
Take it a step further and realise it’s not on a bike or in car that you are travelling, but in a household bath on wheels!
It’s no wonder then, that a group of lads from the Mitchelstown/Kilbehenny area have named their soapbox ‘Bat Out Of Hell’ for the Red Bull soapbox challenge which they are going to undertake on Sunday in Cork (the event starts at 12 noon).
“The bath came out of our old house at home,” Paddy Dalton – one of the famous four behind the ‘bat’ – told The Avondhu this week as he and the lads (Martin Luddy, John Clifford and Clement Lonergan) were putting the final touches to their prototype on Saturday evening.
Paddy explained that the idea for the bath came from a friend of theirs, Brian Mullins, when the subject was broached six months or so ago.
“She’s almost ready now. We took her for a run down ‘The Locha’ earlier on …”
Full story in this week’s print & digital edition