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With the issue of bullying very much in the public consciousness at present, the awareness meeting on the subject hosted by the Fermoy Anti-Bullying Centre at the Grand Hotel on Saturday last was timely. The meeting was attended mainly by concerned parents who were given information and advice.
Due to the amount of enquiries they've received since, staff from the anti-bullying centre have decided to make themselves available again this Saturday, January 26 at the Grand Hotel from 11am to 1pm.
Invitations to attend and noticeboard posters have been sent to all Fermoy schools and many schools and villages surrounding the town.
The topic featured in the national media this week as Education Minister Ruairi Quinn prepared to unveil his Action Plan for Bullying. The Department of Education is to provide the country's primary and post-primary schools with a report template which they will be required to use to document any episodes of bullying.
They'll also be required to inform the board of management. It's the first reform of bullying guidelines in 20 years. The Action Plan has a budget of €500,000 this year.
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