By Graham Clifford
To ensure school closures are effective in preventing the spread of Covid-19/coronavirus, it’s vital that children (from different families) do not mix with others.
The guidance comes from a consultant respiratory paediatrician at Cork University Hospital, Dr Muireann Ní Chroinín and local GPs in Fermoy and Mitchelstown.
In a message intended to be seen by parents across the country it reads: “In most epidemics (pandemics) children are the transmitters … vectors, not victims. Children can give it (the virus) to each other silently and then it can pass to our (at risk) loved ones. Avoid situations where the children will interact. If the community respond to this call it will shut it down more than anything we do in hospital.”
And Dr Ní Chroiní concluded: “The coronavirus is closer to all of us than we realise and the degrees of separation for all of us is getting narrower.”