Lismore benefits from Town Enhancement Scheme funding
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Under the Town Enhancement Scheme, funding of €14,975 has been allocated to Lismore for the Monument Junction.
The funding will allow for footpath, pavement and paving works with the Lismore junction one of three projects in Waterford county to have been allocated funding under the Public Area Enhancement Scheme, by the Minister for Environment, Community and Local Government, Phil Hogan.
€140,000 was awarded to Waterford, between the city and county. The other county projects which have received allocations, include the development of a public amenity at Fairlane Park in Dungarvan and improvement works, including upgrading the public lighting, at Doneraile Park in Tramore.
The purpose of the scheme is to allow local authorities, in cooperation with community groups, to undertake public area enhancement work before and during the busy tourist season.
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