Launch of Better Life Cycle


Launch of Better Life Cycle

This Saturday, October 26, a local group of cycling enthusiasts will launch the Better Life Cycle in aid of St Joseph’s Foundation.

Tuesday, 22 October 2013
7:41 PM GMT

This Saturday, October 26, a local group of cycling enthusiasts will launch the Better Life Cycle in aid of St Joseph's Foundation.

The launch will start at 9pm in Walsh's Bar in Mitchelstown with special guest Conor Counihan and the cycle, which will bring participants from Malin Head to Mizen Head over the course of four days covering 620km, will hopefully raise €25,000 for St Joseph's in Charleville.

At the launch, information packs will be given out and the organisers are appealing to any individuals or those from clubs in Cork, Waterford, Limerick, Tipperary or further afield to join them for this great cycle which will raise funds for St Joseph's who provide help and support for children with special needs.

For more information or for businesses who can offer the event any support through sponsorship, contact

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