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In life, he was kind and generous to a fault. In death, Tony O'Brien's legacy lives on. A song written by Tony, a tireless supporter of the local Lourdes Invalid Fund and Fermoy and District MS group, who passed away in early January, was re-released following his death and sales of the single have raised over €3,000 for the two charities.
Tony, an MS sufferer himself from a young age, had a particular affection for Lourdes and it was only natural that his song would be about the special place of pilgrimage.
'The Village of St Bernadette' was released some years ago and proved very popular. Both local charities thought it'd be a good idea to re-release the song after the Kilworth man's death to allow people another opportunity to enjoy it.
It proved to be a great idea as it was much in demand, generating badly-needed and much appreciated income for both groups and allowing Tony's magnanimity to continue to resonate around the area.
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