MS Ireland is calling on Cork supporters to ‘go red’ this February and take part in an exciting, new global campaign – Kiss Goodbye to MS.
Originally an initiative of MS Research Australia, MS Ireland joins twelve MS organisations throughout the world as they encourage the public to ‘Kiss Goodbye to MS’ and raise money for vital research into the cause and cure of Multiple Sclerosis Funds will also be used to support essential services for the 9,000+ people living with MS locally in Ireland.
Multiple Sclerosis is the most common disabling neurological disorder of young adults and affects more than 9,000 people in the island of Ireland. MS is a disease that affects the motor, sensory and cognitive functioning of the body, usually diagnosed between 20 and 40 years of age. The variance in presence, severity and duration of symptoms coupled with the intermittent and progressive nature of MS impacts not only the person with MS but also family. There is no known cause or cure for MS.
Kiss Goodbye to MS incorporates three key elements – wear, dare and share.
Wear – Put on your favourite red lipstick, pucker up and share a kiss on your social media platforms using the hashtag #kissgoodbyetoms. Don’t forget to text SMOOCH to 50300 to donate €4 and nominate your friends and family to take part. If you don’t fancy wearing red lipstick, any red item of clothing or accessory will do!
Dare – Dare others to go red, or if you’re really brave, step outside your comfort zone and get sponsored to do the Kiss Goodbye to MS dare – a skydive!
Share – Share the message and hold a Kiss Goodbye to MS fundraising event, incorporating the ‘go red’ theme.
MS Ireland is urging all Kiss Goodbye to MS supporters to spread the word – full information packs are available from www.kissgoodbyetoms.ie