Kildorrery Karate Club honoured by county mayor


Kildorrery Karate Club honoured by county mayor

A civic reception was the order of the day for Kildorrery Karate Club recently, when they received their honour at County Hall, Cork following great success in the world karate championship.

Sunday, 24 February 2013
8:00 PM GMT

The members of Kildorrery Karate Club and the winners of the 2012 SKDUN World Championship, were honoured last week with a civic reception by Cork county Mayor, Barbara Murphy in County Hall.

Ireland now ranks eighth in the world and the Kildorrery squad members brought home four gold, two silver and two bronze awards from the championships.


Martin Sheehan said that since the club started in 2005, they have come on in leaps and bounds, last year they came home with one gold, two silver and three bronze, but 2012 was by far their best year.

"On October 14th, with a team of 18 competitors, four people won gold medals, with Joan Sheehan making an unprecedented three world championships in a row winning gold yet again in the over 40 women’s. All the more impressive is the fact that she only began Karate eight years ago.

He continued, "44 year old Barry Wilson also won gold in the over 18 men’s white to purple belt category, beating men half his age. This feat is all the more impressive as he only took up karate in 2009.

"Two brothers aged 11 and 15, John and Eugene O'Donoghue, won the under 12s and under 16s respectively. These boys took up karate less than 5 years ago. We also had two silver medallists, Chloe Millar and Kareena O'Sullivan, who also got a bronze. And Kareena’s daughter Kira achieved bronze in the under 16 girls.

"The rest of our team did really well, but failed to secure medal places. There were 1,300 competitors at the world championships this year, and the Kildorrery club was one of only two clubs from Ireland who partook in the championships, and the only Irish club to win medals," Mr Sheehan said.

Training continues as usual for regular members and newcomers are always welcome to start training on Wednesday’s at 6.30pm, in the Kildorrery GAA Hall.

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