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Kildorrery couple fundraising to rebuild fire-damaged home

The smoke alarm woke Arthur O’Shea and his wife Áine Houlihan-O’Shea at ten minutes past five on the morning of April 29th last year.

Friday, 14 February 2014
1:20 PM GMT

The smoke alarm woke Arthur O'Shea and his wife Áine Houlihan-O'Shea at ten minutes past five on the morning of April 29th last year. Their home, at Ballynoulty, Kildorrery was on fire.

The couple managed to grab their two young children, son Rían and daughter Réaltín, then aged five and four, and escape the blazing house. It was completely destroyed, along with all of their possessions. Luckily, none of them were injured.

The house was just five years old. They'd finished building and been living in it for four years at the time of the fire. The origin of the blaze was traced to a tumble dryer in the utility room. The enormity of what had happened 'didn't sink in at first', Áine recalls.

They've lived in rented accommodation in Kildorrery ever since. Their home is currently being rebuilt. Initially all of the external walls were left standing but Áine says that after a problem was discovered in the rear walls they too had to be replaced, adding to the rebuilding work. With the insurance company covering 75% of the total cost of rebuilding, Áine explains, and the added expense of the new damage discovered, they had to do something to raise the money needed. "It was quite a shortfall to make up" she explains.

Áine, a self-employed complementary health therapist decided to use what talents she has and hit on the idea of releasing a CD. She and Arthur have been amazed at the support they've received. The CD features six songs of Áine's. Arthur too makes his contribution, playing djembe, an African drum, on one of the tracks. "It's been getting a great response," Áine reports, so much so that she's just had a third batch produced. They're available from B2A, Glanworth and Rockmills Beauty Therapy, Rockmills as well as Munchies Coffee House, Fermoy.

Other shops that have sold out will now be restocked and the CD will also be available at another event they've planned. It's a fitness and family fun day planned for Sunday, February 23rd at the Loreto Sports Complex in Fermoy. The morning is being given over to adult fitness with a 'total body blast' circuit incorporating core work, boxing, sprints etc., with a qualified instructor. A Zumba session from 11 am to 12 for adults will be followed with one for kids from 2 to 3pm. A variety of children's entertainment will feature from 2pm to 5 including magician Tony Baloney. Other entertainment is lined p and there's a raffle and spot prizes. Entry is €4 for adults and €2 for children.

"Work on the house is getting near the end but we really need help to allow us to finish it and furnish it enough so we can move back home," Áine told The Avondu. She's asking people to continue to support them in what they hope will be the final stages of rebuilding their home and expressed sincere thanks to everyone who has helped them to date.

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