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Many people were dismayed and upset by Sunday Independent columnist John Paul McCarthy's comments about Kilcrumper old cemetery in a recent article. He'd described it as "some dingy graveyard in Fermoy."
Local Councillor John Murphy, whose father is buried in the cemetery, told The Avondhu last week of his anger and annoyance over the remarks. He went further, writing a leter to the paper which was published in last Sunday's Independent. In it he said he was "disgusted" to read McCarthy's comments. "I can assure Mr McCarthy that the graveyard is far from being dingy. It is well kept by Cork County Council and by the relatives of the many local people buried there. Next time Mr McCarthy is passing Fermoy he might like to visit Kilcrumper cemetery and take some time out to reflect on his inaccurate comments," the councillor wrote.
Another Fermoy man, Paul Lillis was also moved to write to the paper. Describing himself as "A committed Sunday Independent reader for many years" he said it pained him to have to make an official complaint about McCarthy. "As a person who has a father and an eight-year-old brother buried in Kilcrumper, I am angry and hurt at Mr McCarthy's description of the cemetery," he said. He described Kilcrumper as "one of the best kept cemeteries" and pointed out it had its own caretaker. Relatives of those buried there take great pride in maintaining the graves," he stated.
Joe Heffernan from Mallow also wrote to the Sunday Independent about McCarthy's comments. He described them as "hurtful". "It is well maintained and both my parents are buried there," he said.
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