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A good friend is something that can never be underestimated - they are there to listen, to support, to advise and more importantly, they are just there.
Following on from the successful Friendship Week last year, the Fermoy Community Network are again running another Friendship Week in Fermoy, as a way of making people more aware of the importance of friendship.
The week will begin on Tuesday, March 18 as the former governor of Mountjoy, John Lonergan will meet with young people from the secondary schools in the afternoon, before speaking at an event at 7.30pm in the Youth Centre called 'Random Acts of Kindness'.
The event is free and people from all across the community are welcome to attend. John Arnold will also speak about his own personal views on friendship, sharing some personal stories with those in attendance.
The aim of the event is to highlight how everyone has a role to play in promoting good relationships with each other and how important it can be to reach out to those who might be feeling isolated or lonely.
More details on the Friendship Week will follow in next week's Avondhu.
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