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Peter O’ Reilly will be taking part in a unique fundraising initiative for Irish Injured Jockeys on Sunday, 21st June when he aims to ride at all 26 Irish racecourses in just 24 hours, to include Cork Racecourse at approximately 10.30am.
Peter will be beginning his day at Downpatrick racecourse at 4.47am and will and will hopefully end his feat at Dundalk Racecourse by 9pm that night. Due to the extremity of this challenge Peter will require transport via helicopter from some racecourses in order to complete within the assigned target time and in daylight at 8.45pm.
This fundraiser will be a fantastic spectacle and one that can be celebrated at your local track on June 21st. To donate to this cause via, visit the 'Donate and Support' section on the Irish Injured Jockeys website or call them on 052-6184342. Helicopter expenses, car fuel and other elements of the day have been kindly sponsored to ensure that all funds raised will go directly to the fund.
Speaking at the launch of the initiative, Peter O’Reilly said “Irish Injured Jockeys is a fantastic charity that requires much needed funds in order to support injured riders as and when they need it. As an ex amateur jockey, I hope that my fundraising efforts will contribute greatly to this fund which is very close to my heart”
Following Peter's arrival in Mallow at 10.30am, it's then on to Tipperary for 11am followed by Clonmel for 11.25.
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