Saturday, April 2nd saw the Irish Angus Munster Branch members hold their premier sale at Kilmallock Mart. This sale met with great demand for bulls in all age brackets.
The average price paid on the day was €2,600 to a high of €3,150, this would be comparable to the society’s sale the previous Saturday in Tullamore where bulls averaged €2,630 – to a high of €4,100.
Despite the poor start to the year weather wise farmers seem to be buying their Angus bulls earlier than before with many choosing to buy privately off the farm from breeders direct. It would appear having spoken to breeders at the sale that stringer and older bulls are in much demand and indeed hard to find in some parts.
Many people attribute this to high Angus calf prices from the expanding dairy herd and the very important Angus bonus paid on certified Angus cattle being processed under the watchful eye of the Irish Angus producer group.
The breeders and venders of all bulls sold at these sales would like to convey their appreciation and best wishes to all those who supported their sale.
The next sale of owner breed bulls in the confined Munster area will be held at Kilmallock Mart on May 14th.
Anyone wishing to receive a catalogue can contact the secretary Michael Cronin on 087-6993795. Official Facebook and Twitter pages are now live for Irish Angus Munster branch.