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Internet Addiction

It may sound like a silly question, but are most of us not addicted to the internet?

Thursday, 2 October 2014
6:00 PM GMT

It may sound like a silly question, but are most of us not addicted to the internet?

The Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (IACP) have warned that internet users must learn to switch off and overcome their online addiction. They claim that an increasing numbers of people are losing control of the amount of time that they spend online. In fact, a recent study carried out by Wilhelm Hofmann of Chicago University's Booth Business School, the IACP has warned that using social media can be even ‘more addictive than cigarettes or alcohol’.
It has come to light now that young people especially, find the desire to use Facebook or Twitter so strong that it’s affecting their personal relationships, their studies and often their jobs. Many find it impossible to put down the mobile even when having a meal with friends, attending a meeting or while out on a first date.

The IACP warn that internet addiction is time-consuming and can lead to empty lives as meaningful interactions are replaced by ‘superficial’ interactions. They also point out that Facebook users should use the ‘Bergen Facebook Addiction Scale’ to determine whether they suffer from an addiction to the social media platform. So - how about you!

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