Insulation upgrades for local houses – North Cork to receive substantial boost
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News that a number of houses across Mitchelstown, Fermoy, Glanworth, Doneraile, Castletownroche and Killavullen areas are to have their insulation upgraded this year, was recently welcomed by Cllr Kevin O'Keeffe.
The works will be carried out in five houses on Doneraile Road, Castletownroche; at four houses in Glen View, Convent Road, Doneraile; at one house in Ballymacmoy, Killavullen and at one house in Cushing Place, Glanworth. Work will also be carried out in 32 houses in Ard Mhuilinn, Mitchelstown, as well as in 32 houses in Balie Ard, Fermoy. The total number of houses in the North Cork area being upgraded is 235 and the work will be carried out this year.
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