A new Injury Prevention Programme, devised for match officials, has been created alongside a series of Match Official Injury Prevention workshops by the Ladies Gaelic Football Association, in conjunction with Dublin City University, to help match officials stay injury free and, in turn, improve performance.
The programme is focused on the most common injuries sustained by LGFA match officials and is complete with a pre-match warm-up, which should replace any pre-match warm-up that a match official currently uses.
This programme has been formulated on the back of research conducted by John Corrigan, a Doctoral Researcher and lecturer at DCU, who is exploring the area of injury prevention, with the overall aim of reducing the risk of injury for LGFA match officials.
On the release of the programme, researcher John Corrigan said the aim is to improve the long-term health of officials.
“Without referees, games simply wouldn’t happen, so we have designed a specific injury prevention programme for Ladies Gaelic Football referees, using the best available evidence and direct input from referees at all different levels. We are delighted to launch this programme and to support the long-term health of our referees both on and off the pitch.”
The scheduled workshops will cover the following items: The physical demands of refereeing Ladies Gaelic Football; Injuries suffered by LGFA match officials; Importance and benefits of injury prevention; Developing a research-based injury prevention solution; Practical introduction of LGFA Match Official Injury; and prevention programme and warm-up.
Details of the Match Official Injury Prevention Warm-Up are available at https://ladiesgaelic.ie/lgfa-hub/referees and details of upcoming workshops are scheduled across the four provinces in February and March, with the Munster event taking place on Wednesday, 26th February from 7.30pm-9.30pm at Mallow GAA complex.