Impressive season for amateur showjumper

James Noonan of Curraglass, Conna atop Cullinagh Óg after achieving a double championship win in this summer season’s amateur showjumping in the Cork and Kerry League and the Waterford and Tipperary A League. He’s proudly displaying the impressive scoop of prizes at their home. (Photo: Lorna Macdonald)

James Noonan of Curraglass, Conna has had a season of success, achieving double championship success in the summer season’s amateur showjumping circuit.

Riding Cullinagh Óg, the local man has taken titles in the Cork and Kerry League and the Waterford and Tipperary A League.

Recently photographed by Lorna MacDonald, Mr Noonan and Cullinagh Óg are seen decorated with rosettes, trophies and horse blankets from the season’s hoard, an impressive scoop proudly displayed by James and his father Jim at their home.


Speaking with The Avondhu, Mr Noonan explained that he has been jumping horses for a long time.

Full story in this week’s Print & Digital Edition