Image Skillnet, one of 70 Skillnet Ireland Business Networks nationwide, and the Hair and Beauty Industry Confederation (HABIC) will launch a new Sustainability Strategy and Action Framework for the hairdressing, beauty and spa sector at their annual conference in Johnstown House, Co Meath on Monday, October 9th.
The strategy highlights the importance of reducing energy use, managing water sustainably and reducing waste. It has been developed in collaboration with sustainability experts, Change by Degrees.
Image Skillnet is enterprise-led training network for the hair and beauty sector in Ireland. The network’s mission is to support the expansion of Ireland’s hair and beauty sector by enhancing specialised skills and knowledge, broadening access to skills development opportunities and encouraging ongoing professional development.
Skillnet Ireland is the national talent development agency of the Government of Ireland, responsible for advancing the competitiveness, productivity, and innovation of Irish businesses through enterprise-led talent development. HABIC is a non-profit, membership based national organisation, representing all sectors of the Irish hair and beauty industry and all those who work within it.
In the development of the new sustainability strategy, an audit was carried out across the sector, which accounts for some 10,186 salons nationally. The findings identified a range of areas for improvement. For example, on a weekly basis a salon will wash on average 200 towels, which equates to two million litres of water. Other findings included information on the energy consumption of heating and using hot water in salons, the use of traditional lighting as opposed to LED lighting and the low rate of recycling in salon operations (20%).
As well as generating significant advances in the sector’s contribution to positive sustainable measures, the strategy is designed to deliver real cost savings for salon operators, leading to both financial and environmental sustainability. As part of the project, an action framework for salon owners and managers has been developed as a guide to implement the necessary changes.
An action checklist is being provided for salons which contains 53 simple actions, including reducing energy usage, managing water sustainably, reducing waste and social and community action.
The strategy document is available on the Image Skillnet website: www.imageskillnet.ie