The HSE Youth Health Service (YHS) is celebrating 20 years of providing sexual health support, services, education and information to young people across Cork, with all services provided free of charge.
The YHS started as a pilot service back in 2004 and was established after two research projects explored the high rate of teenage pregnancies in 2001. It has supported over 11,000 young people since, providing approximately 88,000 appointments and sessions to young people over the past 20 years and is the only service of its kind in Ireland.
There are a wide range of free dedicated services under one roof at Penrose House in Cork City, to meet the needs of young people in the area of sexual health, including: General advice and support in relation to sexual health; STI screening/clinic; Contraceptive clinic; Unplanned pregnancy counselling; Pregnancy testing, information and support; Post termination medical checks and counselling; One-to-one youth work support for sexual health education and information; Drug and alcohol support and counselling; and sexual health-related counselling.
Staff and other stakeholders and users gathered on Friday last, September 20th at the newly-refurbished Youth Health Service, in Penrose House, to mark the 20th anniversary and watch the Regional Executive Officer of HSE South West, Dr Andy Phillips, unveil a commemorative plaque.
Head of Primary Care for Cork Kerry Community Healthcare Priscilla Lynch said that the service is now ‘seeing generational attendance’.
“Parents who attended the service when it was based on Shandon Street are now bringing their children into YHS and speak so positively of their experience. This shows how the positive impact of the service on these parents has the knock-on benefit of promoting sexual health.
The Youth Health Service can be contacted on 021 493 7250, e-mail yhs@hse.ie or see www.mysexualhealth.ie/youth-health-services for information.