Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live, Jim Rohn admonished. The eyes, brain, arms, liver, pancreas, spine, muscles, mouth, etc., are all organs wired to make man a living and functional entity. When one organ or part of the body has an injury, it invariably affects the overall functionality of the body.
According to data sourced from an article on Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the number of all unintentional injury deaths is 173,040. It should be noted that people die from injuries. You can take care of your body by visiting the hospital when you have injuries of any kind. For severe injuries like one involving the spinal cord, Spine surgery abroad is here for your surgical needs.
Why is it important to gain strength after an injury?
- You need to regain strength after an injury so as to avoid a future recurrence.
- It helps you regain your pre-injury level of physical fitness and stamina.
- It helps restore your muscle’s ability to continually function effectively without getting worn out.
- It helps in keeping your body healthy and fit.
- Damage to muscles, nerves and joints are often treated more effectively with the services of Spine surgery abroad.
- Without regaining strength after an injury, your body will be left prone to contracting serious health issues.
- It is important for your total functionality and mobility.
How long does it take to regain strength after an injury?
Your recovery process is dependent on how severe your injury is. Strength recovery can take as little as two weeks and as much as six months. If you’re restarting your strength training routine, it is recommended you start with lighter weights. Increase the weight gradually, give time for your tendons to regain their elasticity.
Types of injuries that demands surgery
The following are types of injuries that demands surgery:
- Head and brain injury: They may range from mild head injuries to traumatic brain injuries ( TBI).
- Spinal Cord injury: The most common symptoms or a spinal injury includes pain, reduced strength, sensation and muscle control, poor balance, etc.
- Knee injury: It could consist of a torn ACL or a broken bone. It could be very severe that a knee replacement surgery will be required.
- Fractures or broken bones: One may break one’s ribs, arms, legs, ankles or other kinds of bones present in the body.
- Internal organ injury: An injury can happen in the internal organ, it can be in the form of a punctured organ, internal bleeding and other types of internal trauma.
The type of surgery needed is dependent on how severe an injury is and its location. It is pertinent you hire the services of Spine surgery abroad if you consider traveling abroad for a spine surgery. Spine surgery abroad helps connect you to successful hospitals with NHS funding, clinics with qualified surgeons and those with no exorbitant prices attached to healthcare services rendered.