As announced on last Friday night’s Late Late Show, RTÉ, Science Foundation Ireland and the Insight Centre for Data Analytics (an SFI research centre), are calling on the public to download a new app called How Are You Ireland? which is designed to assess the mood and stress levels of the nation.
RTÉ is asking the public to download the app and sign up to take part in this groundbreaking research project. It’s hoped that the research will give valuable insight into the wellbeing of the Irish population.

The results of the survey will then feature in an RTÉ two part television programme about stress and pressure presented by writer and Irish Times columnist Jennifer O’Connell, and featuring neuroscientist Professor Ian Robertson, to be screened later this summer.
The working title of the two part programme is ‘Stressed’. The app is now available to download and interested participants can start the survey anytime up until Friday, February16.
The survey will run for four weeks and, at the end of the study, participants will be provided with feedback as to how aspects of their health compares with the rest of the Irish population.
All participants must be over 18 years of age and own a smaretphone.
For further information and to download the app visit: www.rte.ie/howareyou