Home Design Workshop comes to Fermoy’s Community Youth Centre
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Well known Interior architect and design consultant Gerry Condon, a native of Fermoy, will bring his expertise and a lifetime’s experience to the Palace Theatre in Fermoy on Thursday, September 24 at 8pm in a fundraising exercise for COPE who need to replace and upgrade their 10 year old people carrier to a new wheelchair accessible vehicle.
Gerry, who has spent much of his working life in London and in Dublin both as a consultant and as a lecturer, lives now on Rathealy Road in Fermoy. He will present a series of examples of his work with ‘before and after’ photographs as part of his Design Workshop.
Fans of Dermot Bannon’s Room to Improve on RTE will not want to miss this opportunity to get first-hand experience of Gerry’s many talents.
There is an opportunity to have your ‘problem room’ incorporated into Gerry’s presentation if you can get a photograph of the problem area to Gerry before Sunday 20th – email gerrycondondesign@eircom.net or post to Gerry Condon, 3 Riverview, Rathealy Rd, Fermoy.
Proceeds of this ‘not to be missed’ event is for a very good cause as described above.
Admission at the door (€20) includes a cheese and wine reception at 8.00pm and includes a generous €10 voucher to everyone in the audience provided by Toss Bryan. A raffle will also take place.
See further details in next week's Avondhu.
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