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A genealogy workshop/display to show you how to trace your family tree, by Shamrock Clan Search, will be conducted in the Mitchelstown Library Saturday, March 23rd from 10am-12 noon – for free.
Modern techniques has made family tree tracing more fun and user friendly. The forensics of piecing generations together can be quite fruitful with the use of online websites to garner census, Griffiths, civil and church records. In can be addictive to populate the ancestral clan list. Saturday next in the new town library can ignite that spark in you to explore something that lots of people want to do, but never have got around to yet.
The Peter Robinson emigrant ships display continues in the library. It depicts assisted 1825 emigration from the parish of Mitchelstown to Canada. Emigrant descendants from Canada will visit in September.
The Minnie Ryan School of dance concert at The Firgrove Hotel was a success. See Mitchelstown pages at Facebook/mitchelstowngathering2013 for many more events / Assist people trying to find their relatives by viewing the parish page.
Enter a relative/friend abroad in a free draw to win a flight home up to €350 value in 2013.
Entries of names, e-mail address and tel. number to Ballyhoura office, Baldwin St or e-mail
Next Gathering Meeting Saturday, March 23rd at 10am in Mitchelstown Library.
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