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Speakers Paul and Nuala O’Higgins are being welcomed back this year to speak at one of the Friday prayer meetings of the Gilgal Christian Fellowship in Mitchelstown.
Linda Gillespie explained that they will speak about the Ministry of healing and also focus on a celebration of the risen Christ.
Paul and Nuala are currently living in Florida, but spend a lot of time in Ireland and consider it to be their second home.
Linda said that the speakers will bring a message of hope and show how healing is a part of that hope.
The talk will take place in Mitchelstown Town Hall at 8pm on Friday, April 19 and all are welcome to this free talk, which promises to be enlightening and interesting.
The group also hold a weekly prayer meeting on Fridays in the Town Hall and all are welcome to pray for the town, the elderly and all those in the community and surrounding areas.
For more information contact Linda or Frank Gillespie of the Gilgal Christian Fellowship on 025-27486 or email
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