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All-conquering Fermoy weightlifter John Rice, has added to the two gold medals he won at the World Drug Free Powerlifting Federation Championships last month, by claiming gold in the Masters section at the IDFPA National Deadlift Championships.
At the competition in Castlelayney in Monaghan this month, John once again broke his own world record in the Over 60 Deadlift Equipped, lifting 212.5kg and beating his previous record by 10kgs. At the recent World Championships in England in June, John faulted with his first two attempts before successfully lifting 202.5kg on his third lift.
“I’d a clear run this time. I pulled 170kg to warm up, then I pulled 205kg and 212.5kg. I’d say I could have gone more but I was after using up my three attempts, I was in good form alright,” he told The Avondhu.
Furthermore, this latest success has pushed the Fermoy man to top of the IDFPA Mens Single Lift Deadlift Equipped Masters ranking, which uses the Schwartz formula to adjust scores depending on the age and weight of the lifter.
“My new record has to be ratified now; if you’d do it in the world championships they’d ratify it straight away. I’m number one now in the masters' ranking, if I can hold that position for the rest of the year, I’ll get the cup for it,” John said.
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