Developing GAA grounds is an expensive business and everything can’t be done together. In recent times Ballylanders GAA have significantly upgraded their facilities and they now possess a multi-purpose building that incorporates top of the range dressing rooms.
On Saturday evening last as part of this year’s Pattern Festival, Ballylanders GAA hosted a ceremony that formally honoured all club volunteers past and present, whose time, effort and commitment have been crucial to the promotion of Gaelic games in Ballylanders.
This ceremony consisted of an address by community activist, Willie O’Mahony and the unveiling of a plaque that honours club volunteers. Neatly fitted into a wall on the site of the old dressing rooms, this attractive plaque was generously sponsored by Bobby and Nora Kelly – a couple who personify the spirit of service that is the bedrock of the GAA.
The generosity of the Kelly family was acknowledged by club chairman and prominent county referee, Mike Meade. Willie O’Mahony’s address chronicled the modest beginnings of the GAA in Ballylanders to its current status as one of the foremost gaelic football clubs in Limerick. Parish priest, Fr. Tom Breen was on hand to perform the blessing.
Following the ceremony, those in attendance were invited to the new complex for a night of music and song.