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Cork County Council has received €3.2M more from central government than last year in the national road grant allocations. While this may sound to be good news, it must be taken in the context that the 2013 allocation was the lowest in many years.
The regional and local roads allocations were cut by almost 7% while the discretionary maintenance grant allocation is up €2M. Again keeping this in context, the winter maintenance grant has been incorporated into the latter, reducing the net effect.
The restoration maintenance grant was cut again and is now at less than half what it was in 2009. Not good news when one considers it is from this grant, road surface dressings are carried out.
More bad news for communities too in that funding for the community involvement scheme has been cut altogether - something regretted by all local councillors and community activists.
The county council's submission for grant aid consideration for flood damage following the recent storms is being considered by the Department of the Environment at present, the outcome of which will be keenly anticipated.
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