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The Fulbright Commission in Ireland launched its first-ever call for applications for the new Fulbright TechImpact Awards. These grants are for early career scholars or professionals in all disciplines to explore how technology contributes to a larger social value.
The Fulbright TechImpact Awards are for short-term, non-commercial projects and research in the US for a period of two weeks to three months. Applicants should explore the transformative power of communications technology across all disciplines, but applications in Education, Mobile Technology, and Digital Arts, Humanities, and Culture are particularly encouraged.
Mr Stephen McIntyre, managing director of Twitter in Ireland said that for Ireland to maintain its 'global hub' status as a world leader, we must invest in education.
"The Fulbright TechImpact Awards are an ideal way for people new to their career to explore and expand their horizons in the US, to soak up all they can and bring newfound knowledge, experiences, and contacts back to Ireland.”
Stuart Dwyer, Chargé d’affaires of the US Embassy in Dublin said we are entering a phase in which cloud computing, big data, and the predicted ‘internet of things’ will make ICT 'so ubiquitous it will transform every field'.
"We talk now not only about smart phones, but smart cities, smart oceans, smart houses and smart farms. ICT is challenging our idea of what teachers do, as well as what doctors, lawyers, artists, and soon, even what drivers do," Mr Dwyer said, adding that the Fulbright TechImpact Awards allow for 'timely collaboration in fields that are harnessing new abilities to research, analyze, and deploy ICT'.
The Fulbright TechImpact Awards are open to Irish and EU citizens who have been resident in Ireland for three or more years and include a monetary grant, accident and emergency insurance, cultural and professional programming, and visa administration. Applications, which are due by Tuesday, March 4th, 2014 will be fast-tracked to allow successful candidates to commence research in the US as early as Summer 2014. Please see for further details.
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