Francie Gilhooley has a special request from Santa at Glanworth Players uses cookies. By continuing to browse this site you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Click here to find out more X


Francie Gilhooley has a special request from Santa at Glanworth Players

Rehearsals are in full swing for Glanworth Players’ January production of ‘The Maiden Aunt’ by Jimmy Keary.

Sunday, 29 December 2013
9:35 PM GMT

Rehearsals are in full swing for Glanworth Players’ January production of ‘The Maiden Aunt’ by Jimmy Keary. Cast and crew are looking forward to the Christmas break when even more rehearsals, costuming and set decorating can take place! However, Francie Gilhooley (John Ahern) missed the last day to post letters to Santa so the director kindly suggested he print his letter here in the hope that Santa, or another kind soul, would grant his wishes this Christmas:

Dear Santa,

It’s me your old friend Francie Gilhooley. I’ve been a very good boy this year, ask anyone, they’ll tell ya “that Francie Gilhooley is a lovely fella, heart of gold, honest as the day is long!” Well, anyone except that Gertie O’Grady, don’t ask her – on account of her picking me up wrong and I only trying to romance her a bit, you know make her feel welcome at the Murphy’s. Anyhow Santa, here’s the thing  – despite me bunion problems I need a special pair of shoes this Christmas, you’re the only one left to turn to, the shops were no help, I kept getting quare looks!

I really, really want one pair ladies size 12 shoes. Red satin would be nice but I’d take black patent too.

These shoes are very important now Santa, they’re vital to a few plans I have on the go, can’t go into details here.

Yours in expectation,

Francie Gilhooley

Join us in January to see if Francie has his Christmas wish fulfilled. Production will run weekend January 11th and 12th and following weekend January 17th, 18th, 19th in Glanworth Community Centre. Happy Christmas from all at Glanworth Players!

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