Fitting Tribute!


Fitting Tribute!

The least one might expect is that the Department of Defence would hand over the former Fitzgerald Camp to the members of Post 25.

Thursday, 18 July 2013
12:00 AM GMT

With the proud military history Fermoy has behind it, the least one might expect is that the Department of Defence would not just hand over what was the former Fitzgerald Camp to the members of Post 25, but that they would do everything in their power to help these men see their plans materialise. That plan is to develop the old army camp (or The Aerodrome as it was also known) into a museum/interpretive centre.

Many of those retired members who served in Fermoy and who are active in Post 25 are determined that the names of their former comrades, as well as the camp and the unit in which they served with such distinction, should not be forgotten. The plan is a brilliant one as such a facility would serve to remind future generations of the ultimate sacrifice suffered by Irish troops, and especially those of Fermoy’s own First Motor Squadron, in the service of the United Nations.

The local UN Vets have a flag day coming up on the 27th, the proceeds of which will go towards developing the facility. Please show your support!



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