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First Responder group for Fermoy

Fermoy now has its own Community First Responder Group.

Saturday, 15 February 2014
7:00 PM GMT

Fermoy now has its own Community First Responder Group. Trained in basic life support and the use of a defibrillator, the group is drawn from the local fire brigade, Gardai, air and sea rescue and clubs in the town.

They are all volunteers who can be dispatched by the National Ambulance Service in response to incidents in the community of chest pain which may indicate a heart attack, suspected stroke, cardiac arrest or choking, prior to the arrival of an emergency ambulance.

Their aim is to eventually have sufficient numbers of volunteers trained to enable the First Responders to be available on a 24 hour rota system. Members will mobilise when notified by ambulance control, who, at the same time, will also notify the nearest available ambulance resource for dispatch to the incident. If the ambulance service is unavailable or delayed, the CFR group can step in to provide assistance at the scene. Community first responders, because of their close proximity, can often get to the scene of a cardiac arrest or life threatening emergency faster than traditional ambulances and even, in certain cases, quicker than rapid response vehicles.

All volunteers have been Garda vetted, instructed in patient confidentiality and adherence to Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Council guidelines in addition to the training they've received. The Fermoy group, in common with other such groups around the country, will be formally connected to the national ambulance control centre enabling them to be sent promptly to emergency incidents, in support of the national service.

With no direct funding from the HSE, the cost of specialist equipment is an issue for many such community First Responder groups but the newly-formed Fermoy group is lucky in that it has not one but two generous benefactors. The group gathered on Monday morning in the premises of McCarthy Insurance Group to thank them and Zurich Insurance for their substantial sponsorship and support. It has enabled them to buy three fully kitted response bags with defibrillators as well as personal protective equipment for the responders to wear when answering calls. The defibrillator units alone cost €1,500 each.

Liam Lacey said the service was being offered for the benefit of Fermoy town and area. "If it saves one or 100 lives it will be worth it," he said, thanking McCarthy Insurance and Zurich for their support. Stephen Donnellan said they'd identified a need for the service in the town and community.

McCarthy Insurance Group managing director Paul Kavanagh, was approached and the company, and Zurich, agreed to become involved. Covering an area encompassing 5,700 residences, the service would serve more than 15,000, he explained. "Having a local set up is essential. We are indebted to McCarthy Insurance and Zurich for their sponsorship which has allowed us get off to a great start," he said.

Paul Kavanagh said they were aware of the presence of other such groups in places like Clonakilty and appreciated the need for the service, especially when ambulances could be coming from quite some distance in response to an emergency. While it required a commitment of substantial funding they, and Zurich, thought it was 'a brilliant idea and one they were happy to support'.

"This is something the town and surrounding area needs. It will be vital. There will be peace of mind knowing it's there. The lads will be on call, they are professionally trained and they know what they're doing," he pointed out.

Declan O'Halloran, business development manager with Zurich, said about their response: "It was the quickest decision we ever made. We didn't have to think about it, it's a critical service we are thrilled to be involved in."

The group will be based at Fermoy Community Youth Centre. Manager of the centre, Kieran Barry, said he and the Board are delighted to be involved.

The group is hoping others in the community will want to become involved too and for that reason are holding a public meeting at Fermoy Community Youth Centre on Thursday, February 27th at 8pm. Anyone considering doing a first aid course that includes CPR and learning to use a defibrillator, interested in gaining a qualification as a PHECC-certified Cardiac First Responser or interested in becoming a volunteer with the group is invited along on the night.

For further information on the Fermoy Community First Responder Programme visit the FCFR Facebookpage or email them on

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