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The 29th consecutive year of the Fermoy Rowing Club Quiz ended recently to a full house in The Grand Hotel. The committee of the rowing club would like to thank all those faithful quizzers who have supported the quiz for so many years; it is through their support that so much funding has been raised for so many different organisations within our community. Many of the people who came to the first quiz all those years ago still come every Monday night.
Thanks also to the clubs, schools and other organisations who have been so supportive; it is a measure of the success of the quiz that many of these have already booked their nights for the next season, the quiz co-ordinator, Danny Higgins has confirmed bookings as far ahead as March 2014.
On the night of the final quiz of the season which was for the rowing club, the chairman of the club, Pa Granville spoke very highly of the team who organise it, the ladies who correct and compile the scores so competently, Claire Murphy, Carmel Towey, Mary Falvey and Mary Geary, Danny Higgins who ensures that everything is in order every Monday night, also Johnny Murphy, Jim Hackett, Jim Baylor, and Paul Kavanagh.
Pa also thanked John Hynes and all the staff of the Grand Hotel for their efficiency and courtesy throughout the season. And so the curtain comes down on another quiz season, the focus of the Rowing Club in the weeks ahead will be on the upcoming regatta.
To end on a lighter note, anyone suffering from withdrawal symptoms from the Monday night quiz, please do not call me; I will be far away on a river or a lake.
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