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Ireland’s biggest fertility clinic, SIMS IVF which comes to Cork for a series of talks on this Saturday (15th), is being hosted by Fertility Check Cork which is headed up by Fermoy woman, Dr Michelle O'Connor. Michelle has worked with male infertility patient services since the completion of her PhD in Biochemistry and Genetics having established Fertility Check in 2012 with a focus on male fertility testing.
"Fertility clinics are still relatively new to Ireland but the series of talks on Saturday, 15th June in The River Lee Hotel, will cover everything from how to boost natural fertility to the latest advances in assisted reproductive technologies," Michelle told The Avondhu this week.
This new partnership with SIMS IVF will allow Cork patients access to a full suite of female fertility tests. These tests will include the SIMS Hormone Profile, Sims Auto Immune Profile, Chicago Bloods and AMH Profile.
"Reproductive immunophenotype testing can explain repeated miscarriage, while AMH testing looks at a woman’s remaining egg supply or ovarian reserve," Michelle explained.
"Having a child comes naturally to most couples, however 1 in 6 couples today will need some form of help trying to conceive. Fertility Check and SIMS IVF will now offer ‘his and hers’ testing in addition to consultations with SIMS IVF specialists when fertility treatment is required."
This information day is free and open to the public. Fertility experts will also be available throughout the day to discuss individual couple’s circumstances. For full programme, see or
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